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Osnovna škola Ante Starčevića Viljevo

 > Naslovnica

Na kraju staze duge osam godina…

Autor: Robert Matanović, 15. 6. 2014.

6. lipnja 2014. održana je tradicionalna završna svečanost osmaša.

Svečanost su uveličali učitelji i učenici, ravnateljica škole,stručna služba i pomoćno osoblje škole te predstavnici 7.-ih razreda.

Osmaši su zahvalili učiteljima na svemu te izrazili zadovoljstvo što su se odazvali i uljepšali im završne dane njihovog osnovoškolskog obrazovanja.




 Na kraju staze duge osam godina učenici su se uz pjesmu i ples družili  te ponijeli sa sobom lijepe uspomene.





                                                                    OUR FUTURE

    I'm only 14 years old. Some of my friends are 15, but some of them are 14 too.                                                                                                                        

     We have to make one of the hardest and most important decisions in our lives. There are many decisions that are hard and we will be pressured to make them later in life, but this one comes too early. This one is a kind of the hardest one. I want to be an English teacher, but I also want to be a psychologist, a Croatian and German teacher too. I want to be a journalist too. I don't know, I'm not sure. As you can see I'm torn. I'm very confused and not sure which way to go. I think that we are too young and not mature enough to make a decision so hard and big. I see myself teaching university students psychology in English. I don't know what that's supposed to mean. Should I move to America? Should I move to the UK? Shold I move to London or New York? Should I move to LA or San Francisco? Should I stay in Croatia? We and everyone around us think that that's a long time away and it is. It's years away, but the fact is that time is passing fast. Time is flowing and we are just small figures in it. We all want to be remembered. I want to be remembered as a good person who didn't give this hard fight with world up. I want them to say that I've never given up. That's what I truly want. My best friend Margareta wants to be a model. I really want her to succeed in that career. I feel that my friends aren't aware of the importance of this decision. I feel like I'm on a different level because of that. I'm the only person who thinks rationally. I don't understand how, nor why. I'm the youngest, but yet the most mature one. Confusing.

     Our future decision is coming fast. We aren't ready to make it. We are still kids and we can't decide about the rest of out life yet. The only comforting thing about it is the fact that we aren't  the first who have  to decide. If other survived, I guess we will too.

                                                               Dina Kovač,8.b



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RUJAN, 2024.pdf



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